====== Intellipop Disciplinary Procedures ====== We have high expectations of our employees and strive to create a safe, respectful and responsible work atmosphere. Behaviors that are not in accordance with these values are subject to disciplinary action. ==== Verbal Warnings ==== Verbal warnings are formally given only once as a reminder for non serious offences. Once a verbal warning has been given the employee is expected to correct and not repeat the offending behavior. Continuation of the offending behavior is then subject to a written warning. ==== Written Warning ==== Written warnings are for continued minor offences, or more serious offences. These are to inform the employee that the given offence will not be tolerated. Three written warnings will place the employee on probation. ==== Probation ==== Probationary periods are for employees who have received three written warnings, or who have violated serious policies. Any further offence, including minor behaviors, will place the employee in review for termination. ==== Termination ==== Employees who violate probation are subject to termination.