===== Ignite Technical Support Page ===== With ignite, the troubleshooting procedures you will follow will be generally the same as with any equipment. **YOU WILL NEVER NEED TO LOG INTO THE ACTUAL RADIO, USE THE CLOUD FOR RELEVANT TROUBLESHOOTING DATA** * Cloud URL: https://cloud.ignitenet.com/welcome/login * GTC Username: techs@ygtc.com * GTC Password: 64@Wti8&tlo9S2 **What is the nature of this call? Click the link to troubleshoot** * [[gtc:ignite_mac|Ignite MAC Guide]] - New router? Get the MAC here and update their Powercode account * [[gtc:slowspeed_ignite|Slow speeds]] - do a bypass test * [[downradio_ignite|Down radio]] - hard reboot the CPE for 30 seconds * [[gtc:intermittent_ignite|Intermittent ]]- check uptime graphs, etc * [[gtc:no_internet_ignite|No internet (radio up)]] To gather this data is a little different than other radios which is what this section will cover. ==== Down Radio ==== Fairly standard with any other wireless gear. Have them disconnect the power from the POE and wait until the blue/green light is fully out. While unplugged, have them verify that the correct cables are plugged into the right ports. (POE = Radio Ethernet cable, LAN = router cable) ** NOTE: WHILE DOING THIS INFORM THE CUSTOMER NEVER TO REBOOT THIS RADIO ON THEIR OWN. IF YOU REBOOT THIS TOO MANY TIMES TOO QUICKLY YOU WILL FACTORY DEFAULT THE RADIO ** After 30 seconds of no power, have them power up the POE once again. These radios can take 2-5 minutes to run a ping to the radio until you see it back online. While this is all occurring, you can log into the cloud and see if their Access Point is online. **note to Aaron - finish this page**