{{tech:banner_1_.png?400|}} ===== Welcome to the Intellipop Wiki. ===== __//**Click here to start the [[Phone Call Treee|Phone Call Tree]]**//__-Currently Under construction as of 01/16/25 use the other one for the time being **[[Tango Guides|Tango Step by Step Guide Links]]** **[[Intellipop Tools|Intellipop Tools Quick Links]]** **[[Router Recommendations|Router Recommendations]]** **[[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fgfHnjxB9265mz4rwmdAkcE2y1lpMaQ3byj6ut40MFM/edit?usp=sharing|Mohave Broadband Guide]]** **This page is for general information and useful links.** * **Intellipop Website:** www.intellipop.com * **Powercode Portal:** https://portal.intellipop.co:444 * **Intellipop Building address:** 673 Innovation Circle unit B4 Payson, UT 84651 * **Intellipop Call Center Phone Number:** 801-851-1770 * **Utopia Customer Service:** 1-801-613-3880 * **Utopia NOC:** 1-801-613-3820 **Push 0 to get to the NOC** * **Stratafi Customer Service:** (435) 622-0101 * **Stratafi NOC** (435)622-5005 * **Lightbridge** 208-372-8044 * **Silverlight** 307-249-5475 * **Open Infra Customer Service** (855) 910-6050 * **Open Infra NOC** +1 (940) 535-7211 * [[http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/geocode|GeoCoding]] Useful for retrieving coordinates to add powercode accounts * [[https://maps.utopiafiber.com/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4ab43cdb91e941dcad85488c253ba744|Utopia Map]] Check fiber availability with UTOPIA