===== OpenInfra Open Access Fiber in Texas ===== This section is information for basic troubleshooting in the Texas area Open Access project referred to as OpenInfra. ==== Information ==== This is a data dump for now, this section will be cleaned up as the project continues. * There is an ONT somewhere on their location with literally just 2 ports - fiber and ethernet. All you have to do is make sure they are plugged into the only ethernet portal on the Nokia branded (pictures attached) ONT. * CRM is here https://access.openinfra.com/#/dashboard. You can only get to the CRM from a remote terminal on our network * Credentials: support@intellipop.co / tech@intellipop * To find the customer, We've found its easiest to look for their address in reverse, like "lakeshore 1005" * CPE status tab will show if the ONT is up or down, Link status tab will show you if the customer is plugged in If alarm light is on or they need an in home network run from their ONT to their router, call "Open Infra" (the fiber company) (855) 910-6050 ==== Basic Troubleshooting ==== There are only 2 ports on the Nokia ONT - Fiber and Ethernet. Make sure alarm light is not on before testing. DHCP is automatic, no MAC address adjustments are necessary to bypass. With ANY speed complaint, the only acceptable test is bypassed with a laptop/PC via Ethernet. Wireless tests are not useful information **ONLY USE SPEEDTEST.NET TO TEST SPEEDS AND ONLY SELECT SUMOFIBER in the DALLAS AREA AS A SERVER** Be sure to specify which site, which server and the results of ANY speed test done in the ticket notes. Missing information will be assumed to be incorrect information. ==== OpenInfra Info ==== Open Infa Customer Care # (855) 910-6050 and hours of operation * Wednesday 8AM–8PM * Thursday 8AM–8PM * Friday 8AM–8PM * Saturday 8AM–5:30PM * Sunday Closed * Monday 8AM–8PM * Tuesday 8AM–8PM (THIS SECTION WILL BE FLESHED OUT LATER)