=====How To Setup A Payment Extension===== We are very flexible with a customers billing and are always happy to help in any way we can. If a customer calls in to extend their grace period you can extend it up to one week before their next bill cycle. If they need longer extend it at the normal range and advise them that you have sent the account to be reviewed. An administrator will call them back to make arrangements with them. To add a payment extension/grace period to an account you will click on the "Billing" tab on top bar of their account. {{ :tech:billing_tab.png?400 |}} Locate the "Billing Period" section on left side of the screen and click the blue "Edit" button for the temporary grace date shown below. {{ :tech:temp_grace_date.png?600 |}} Enter the date you want to set the extension until. **Set this date for the day after they say they can make the payment.** If the customer is delinquent make sure to check the box that says activate the customer and click the green button "Set Temporary Extension" {{ :tech:temp_grace_date_2.png?600 |}} If this was a delinquent Utopia customer be sure to check out [[Inbound Utopia Delinquent Account|Delinquent Utopia Account]] Once the temporary extension has been setup be sure to create a ticket with date the customer promised to make the payment. ====Useful Links==== **Need help creating a ticket? Click here **[[Inbound Ticketing Procedures|Ticketing Procedure]] **Need help escalating this extension? Click here **[[Inbound Escalations|Escalation Procdeure]] **Need to get back to the phone call tree? Click here** [[Inbound Call|Inbound Call]]