=====Submitting A Service Change In The CRM===== Once you have submitted the order to Utopia it can take up to 2 business days for the speeds to reflect the new service plan. To change a service plan, locate the account in the Utopia CRM under the services tab. Use CTRL+F to find the account quickly by name or address/address ID. **Always verify the address in the CRM that you are changing the service for not just customer name.** Once you have located the account, click on the **customers name** {{ :tech:click_name.png?400 |}} Click on **"MODIFY SERVICE"** {{ :tech:modify_service_click.png?600 |}} Enter the date to change service in the box labeled **"Date To Process"**. Once you have entered the date, click drop down in the box labeled **"Select Speed"** and enter the new speed they want. Once both boxes are filled out click **"Send Request"**. {{ :tech:send_upgrade_request.png?600 |}} Be sure to take not of the UIA number that pops up and add that to the ticket you open. ====Useful Links==== **Need to change the service plan in Powercode? Click here** [[Inbound Service Plan Change Powercode| Change the service plan in powercode]] **Need to go back to the previous page? Click here** [[Upgrading/Downgrading Utopia Fiber Service|Upgrading/Downgrading Utopia Fiber]] **Need to create a ticket? Click here** [[Inbound Ticketing Procedures|Ticketing Procedure]]