=====Changing The Service Plan In Powercode===== Always confirm the price difference is ok with the customer before completing a package change, and let them know they will see the prorated amount on their next statement. When you are on the customer overview page of an account click on the **"Services"** button along the top bar. {{ :tech:services_click.png?600 |}} Click the green **"Add Service"** button {{ :tech:click_add_service.png?400 |}} click the drop down under the **Monthly Internet** section and select the new plan, should be one of the two options displayed in the image below. Click the Green **"Add"** button once you have selected a plan. {{ :tech:monthly_internet_click.png?600 |}} This will prorate the service plan change automatically for the customer. Be sure to send the request to Utopia and open a ticket. ====Useful Links==== **Need to send a package change request to Utopia? Click here** [[Inbound Service Change Request CRM| Submit a request through the CRM]] **Need to go back to the previous page? Click here** [[Upgrading/Downgrading Utopia Fiber Service|Upgrading/Downgrading Utopia Fiber]] **Need to open a ticket? Click here** [[Inbound Ticketing Procedures|Ticketing Procedure]]