=====Ubiquiti Slow Speeds===== Quick Check: Common Causes of Slow Speeds - Poor WiFi Connection - Poor signal on Intellipop equipment - Maxing out connection - VPN Choking speeds **Username:** admin **Password:** EIxRM9IXG2okqL Specifically narrow down the issue they are experiencing with slow speeds. Are all devices slow or some? Is this occurring on their WiFi or is this wired into the router? Notate the make and model of the router. What type of device is having an issue? It is important to figure out exactly what the customer is experiencing issues with. **Most issues for slow speeds are related to WiFi connections. Make sure the customer is using a good router and using the 5GHz network for optimal WiFi speeds** Once you have determined where the issue is, log in to the radio and check on the Signal Strength. The RSSI should be above -65 (this number is negative, so closer to 0 is the higher number). {{ :tech:ubiquitisignalstrength.png?400 |}} * Check the association rate on the main ethernet connection. These radios should be associating at 100 Mbps. If you see a 10 Mbps assocation, there could be a problem with the cable, router or very rarely - the port on the radio. Note: some routers only associate at 100 Mbps so it is important to notate the make and model of their router to ensure it is gigabit capable. {{ :tech:ubiquitietherstatus.png?400 |}} Next, check the current rate of traffic in the throughput to determine how much bandwidth they are currently using. If the connection is maxed out, all other devices on their network will seem slow. This is found under the monitor section at the bottom of the main page. Look at the Lan0 box. {{ :tech:ubiquitithroughput.png?400 |}} Click here for help running a bypass[[Inbound Ubiquiti Bypass| Ubiquiti Bypass Guide]]. **Streaming-** If after completing troubleshooting steps the customer's television is the cause of the issue there are some things we can do to help. First, it's always best to have any streaming devices plugged into the router with an Ethernet cable. If they need help with this feel free to refer them to Jay Jones at Computer Corner for home network solutions. Another common issue is if the app itself isn't working, the TV could be too old and the version of their streaming app may no longer be supported. If this is the case you can recommend that they either get a Roku, or Sling AirTv or stream off an Xbox or Playstation. These devices will connect to their current TV through an HDMI port and run their streaming apps. This will save them from having to purchase a new TV. **Working From Home-** Many customers work from home. **Intellipop strongly recommends a wired connection for any work critical device**. If the customer is getting their guaranteed speeds but is experiencing issues with a work connection, they are likely on a VPN. The easiest way to verify speeds over a VPN is to run a fast.com test bypassed WITHOUT the VPN enabled, then another test WITH the vpn enabled. If you see a difference, it is most likely the VPN itself causing the issue. **Maxing Out Connection-** If while checking the throughput chart they were close to their maximum, and **after** you have ran through the bypass steps and have found no issues, ask what everyone was doing on the network. If the connection is being used more heavily than their current package was intended for we might need to see if we can upgrade the plan. ====Useful Links==== **Need help bypassing? Click here** [[Inbound Ubiquiti Bypass| UbiquitiBypass Guide]] **Need to go back to the previous page? Click here** [[Inbound Ubiquiti Bypass| Ubiquiti Bypass Guide]] **Need to create a ticket? Click here** [[Inbound Ticketing Procedures|Ticketing Procedure]] **Need to escalate your issue for help? Click here** [[Inbound Escalations|Escalation Procdeure]]