=====Utopia Pre Sign Process===== We will send out mailers advertising service before Utopia has completed construction in a city (Usually about 2 months before service should be available.) If you get a call from a customer saying they got a mailer or door hanger that says **"Fiber Internet Launching Soon"** you will want to follow the steps below. We can pre sign them up and have Utopia send out the agreement to them the day service becomes available and they can be one of the first people in the neighborhood to access the new fiber connection. =====Checking The Footprint==== You will first want to see what footprint this customer is located in. Enter their address into the [[https://maps.utopiafiber.com/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4ab43cdb91e941dcad85488c253ba744|Fiber Coverage Map]] check what footprint it's located in. It will be the purple text, below is an example an address in OR022. {{ :tech:footprintor022.png?600 |}} Once you have the footprint you will need to check the buildout timeline for the customer. =====Checking The Buildout Timeline===== The buildout timeline will be an estimate as to when construction should be completed not a guarantee, it is usually by the end of the quarter they give. Take the footprint you got above and search for it on the [[https://www.utopiafiber.com/buildout-timelines/|Utopia Buildout Timeline]]. Easiest way will be to CTRL+F and just enter the footprint. Here is the example for OR022 shown below. {{ :tech:or022buildtime.png?600 |}} =====How To Pre Sign A Customer===== 1. Create a Powercode account for them. -[[Inbound Account Setup|Creating An Account]] 2. Notate their footprint 3. Notate the Service plan they want 4. Open a ticket for review- Use the ticket template **Utopia Sales Lead, Presign**. Fill out all the info please 5. Change account status to -Utopia Lead Presign 6. Advise the customer of the estimated completion time for their footprint, and that we will reach out to them with an email and phone call the day service becomes available. {{ :tech:tickettemplatefill.png?400 |}} be sure to update all the XXXX in the red box shown above. =====Useful Links===== **Need to go back to the main Utopia page? Click here [[Inbound Utopia Fiber|Utopia Fiber]]** **Need to create a ticket? Click here [[Inbound Ticketing Procedures|Ticketing Procedure]]**