====Processing A Utopia Lead==== After you have verified service is available **you** will need to process the order through Gaiia. - Create the account in Gaiia. - Make sure you have the correct plan selected. - [[https://app.tango.us/app/workflow/Gaiia--How-to-Send-the-Utopia-Agreement-ad22dc2eb47944f1a75f6a519c9e82bb|Click here to see the next steps]] ==== Close the Sale ==== Answer any questions about the service they might still have. Explain to them the process - we will process their order and they will receive an e-mail shortly, usually within 20 minutes. Make sure they check their spam folder if they don't see it, the email will come from Utopia. They will need to e-sign our Terms and Conditions, which they can do from their phone or desktop. Once these documents are signed, Utopia will call them within one business day to schedule an installation. //**If they want to expedite the order they can sign the docs and call Utopia 20 minutes after they sign to schedule the install.**// After installation, Intellipop will be their primary contact for technical support and general information. ====Useful Information==== **Gaiia fails to send the agreement = address is either incorrect, or Utoipa system has an issue with the address. Open a ticket and level 2 agent will process the order. ** **Need to verify availability click here** [[Inbound Utopia Verifying Address|Verify Availability]] **Need to go over plans and pricing click here** [[Inbound Utopia plans and pricing|Plans And Pricing]]