====== Site Surveys ====== Site surveys are complimentary and offered to ensure that a residence is serviceable. Some areas have issues with trees or topography, and we always want to be sure that service is available before offering it. Site surveys are generally completed within 2 business days of being requested, and are not scheduled for specific times, just days. As such the customer does not need to be home. Intellipop coverage map https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?hl=en&mid=1bb3JYTJdamOzvFGtN39QvD3-QMM&ll=39.93852086545558%2C-111.80233009044053&z=15 ===== To Schedule ===== If the area is green, they should be good to go. If they are in the yellow area, schedule a site survey. For an an address that is needing a site survey, please put a job on the following business days schedule and alert Intellipop in the Slack chat. If you do not receive a response and the customer is not in Springville advise the customer that the site survey will be done withing the next 2 business days, and that they don't need to be home for the survey. Add the survey on the schedule for following business day at the end of day. Be sure to click “exclude from notifications” while saving the job. Note in the ticket and chat what customer and the day that was scheduled. If the tech does not have time for it that day, they will bump it to the next day. For customers in Springville, create a ticket and advise we will call back to schedule.