If a customer requests to speak to an administrator- Advise the customer that you are with a 3rd party call center for after hours support and that you will check to see if an administrator from Intellipop is available. Message the chat.
If you do not receive a response from the chat within 2 mins advise the customer that there currently isn't an administrator available, and that one will call back once available. Be sure to clarify with them that it might not be until regular business hours M-F 9-5. If the customer is upset over service issues and the service is working, (minimum speeds are being met for the package and customer is connected, their account is caught up, etc., make sure to politely convey this to the caller, and that you have noted their concerns for the administrator who will help them. Be sure to update the ticket will all concerns and clarify with the customer to be sure that you understand them.
Make sure you get a good contact number to reach the caller about their issue. Submit a ticket as normal and list “upset Customer” for the ticket title.
If a customer's language, attitude or volume becomes unacceptable- Politely reassure them that you understand they are upset and that you would like to help them resolve their issue but that you cant if they continue to yell/use foul language/etc and that you will have disconnect the call. If the customer continues with their behavior behavior advise them you are disconnecting the call, hang up and note in the tickets that you did so and why.