Table of Contents

Intellipop Attendance Policy

As an employee of the Company, you are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. Punctuality and regular attendance are essential to the proper operation of any business. Any tardiness or absence causes problems for your team, fellow employees, and clients. When you are absent, your assigned duties must be performed by others. You are expected to report to work as scheduled, on time, and prepared to start work. You also are expected to remain at work for your entire work schedule, except for lunch or when required to leave on Company authorized business. Late arrival, early departure, or other unanticipated and unapproved absences from scheduled hours are disruptive and must be avoided. Excessive absenteeism is defined as five days in any rolling six-month period. Excessive tardiness is defined as being tardy three times within any rolling six-month period. If you are unable to report to work for any reason, if you will arrive late, or must leave early, you must notify your team lead/director one hour before start time. In the absence of your team lead/director, you must notify People Operations. Excessive unexcused absenteeism or tardiness will not be tolerated. An unexcused absence shall be considered the period of time in which an employee is away from work without receiving prior approval. A PTO day will be deducted for each unexcused absence.

Lunch and Break Policy

On an 8 hour shift employees are entitled to a 30 minute unpaid lunch with two 15 minute breaks, or a 1 hour lunch.

Lunch and break times must be scheduled, reported and coordinated with your manager at the beginning or your shift.

Employees are expected to be ready to continue work at the end of scheduled breaks and lunches.

Scheduled Time Off

1 Workday off requires at least 1 week notice 2-5 Workdays off require at least 2 weeks notice Extended time off requires at least 2 months notice

Unscheduled Absences

If an employee has an emergency situation or is ill, they are required to let their manager know at least 1 hour prior to their scheduled start time.

No Show

Unannounced absences will be an automatic write up. Further No Show absences will be subject to termination.


If an employee is 5 or more minutes late to their desk/site, they are considered tardy. On the first offence a verbal warning will be issued. Further cases of tardiness will be given written warnings and/or termination if a resolution can not be found.


Certain Intellipop departments must be able to respond to customer issues whenever those issues arise, whether during or outside Intellipop's general business hours or employees’ regular work schedule. Some of these Intellipop departments do not regularly address customer issues 24 hours per day, seven days per week, but need to be able to do so if and when such issues arise. Employees in these Intellipop organizations have “on-call” assignments in addition to their regular work schedules.

Absence without Notice

For us to operate our business effectively, we ask that you keep us informed daily of your status when you are off work unless you are on an approved leave of absence. If you fail to notify us after three days of consecutive absence, you will be terminated.