Quick Check: Common Causes of Down Radio
This will be done through Ctools.
Hover over the map on the dashboard for that CID to check what tower it's connected to. You can also look to the right of the map and see link CID to HHXX Example below is on HH45
Once you know what tower the customer is on look at the list of sites on the left side of the screen, (CID=Customer, HH=Tower) The tower in the example below is currently online.
You can open the DN(Distribution Node)to confirm that it is online by clicking on the HHXX DN on the left.
If the tower is up you will want to continue troubleshooting at Power Cycling The POE
If the tower is down you will want to reach out in Slack immediately. Below is an example of how a down tower will appear in Ctools. Keep in mind in the example only one tower is down.
Confirm the POE has power and that the cables are plugged into the correct ports, light should be lit up blue on the POE.
Have the customer unplug the POE for 30-60 seconds. While it is unplugged (blue light is out) have them reseat the cables into the POE one at a time to make sure they have a solid connection while it's unplugged. Once verified, have the customer plug the POE back in. The equipment should come back online within 2 minutes if this fixed the issue.
If the Tower and AP are online but the radio remains down after the above troubleshooting you will want to begin the Escalation Procdeure.
Need to create a ticket after the call? Click here Ticketing Procedure
Need help escalating the issue? Click here Escalation Procdeure
Need to go back to the main CnWave troubleshooting page? Click here Cambium CnWave