Submitting A Service Change In The CRM

Once you have submitted the order to Utopia it can take up to 2 business days for the speeds to reflect the new service plan.

To change a service plan, locate the account in the Utopia CRM under the services tab. Use CTRL+F to find the account quickly by name or address/address ID.

Always verify the address in the CRM that you are changing the service for not just customer name.

Once you have located the account, click on the customers name


Enter the date to change service in the box labeled “Date To Process”. Once you have entered the date, click drop down in the box labeled “Select Speed” and enter the new speed they want. Once both boxes are filled out click “Send Request”. Be sure to take not of the UIA number that pops up and add that to the ticket you open.

Need to change the service plan in Powercode? Click here Change the service plan in powercode

Need to go back to the previous page? Click here Upgrading/Downgrading Utopia Fiber

Need to create a ticket? Click here Ticketing Procedure