Sending A Cancelation Order To Utopia

Service for a Utopia fiber customer will remain active until we send an order to the Utopia NOC to cancel the account.

To cancel service, locate the account in the Utopia CRM under the services tab. Use CTRL+F to find the account quickly by name or address/address ID.

Always verify the address in the CRM that you are canceling not just customer name.

Once you have located the account, click on the customers name


Enter the date to cancel service in the box labeled “Date To Process”. Once you have entered the date of cancelation click the “SEND CANCEL ALL” button.

Once this has been done a ticket will be sent to the Utopia NOC to cancel the account. Please add any relevant info into the ticket once this is completed.

Need to change the status to Not Active? Click here Change The Status To Not Active

Need to go back to the previous page? Click here Utopia Service Cancelation

Need to create a ticket? Click here Ticketing Procedure