Quick Check: Common Causes of Down Connection
The first thing you should do is log into the Utopia CRM and verify that you can see the modem. The URL will always be: https://crm.utopiafiber.com/uia_clients/apview/XXXXXX where XXXXXX is the 6 digit “Address ID” located on their account
1) If you cannot see the modem in the CRM have the customer locate the zhone (fiber modem) and verify it has power and that the alarm light is not on.
If the alarm light is off have the customer verify the router is powered on and the cables are plugged in correctly. Have them reboot the router for a full minute and continue with the next steps.
If the alarm light is red call the Utopia NOC and have them check what is going. They will direct you on the next steps.
2) Make sure the account is not sent to delinquent. You can view active and delinquent subscribers here: Subscriber List
You will want to check two things, search for the customer and if it says “Suspended by ISP” as shown below they are most likely suspended.
3) We will next want to confirm their Vlan is set correctly and that the modem is online. To access the modem you will want to click on the Site ID for the customer you are working with and the portal should pop up. If it does not pop up have the customer check if the alarm light is red on the modem. If it is you will need to call the Utopia NOC directly and see what they advise to do.
The Intellipop Vlan should appear as U552 on GE1. If anything else appears there they will most likely have issues and you will need to reach out to the Utopia NOC (801-613-3820)
Example of a suspended account, Vlan is set to 571
This is what the portal should look like when a customer is active
If the account is paid, active, and the modem is online with correct VLAN we will want to make sure there is a device plugged into GE1 and associating at 1Gbps. You can verify this by checking the link speed on GE1 as shown above. If the router has already been rebooted and the customer still has no service after reboot we would want to try to bypass the router.
Have them plug a computer directly into GE1 port on the modem and test their connection. If they have service the issue is with their router and you will need to help them troubleshoot to the best of your abilities, they might need to reach out to the manufacturer of the router. If they still do not have a connection have them reboot the zhone for a full minute. If no luck after zhone reboot you will need to call the Utopia NOC and see if they can assist.
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