Our goal is to follow up with every new install 3 days after installation. We do this to ensure that the transition to their new service has gone well and to potentially capture any unhappy customers before it turns into a much larger issue.
For now, part of the NOC's daily list is to complete installation and service call follow-ups. This will be done by looking through the tickets for any tickets that have a follow up date set for that given date.
With installations you will create a call log and gather the following information and can use the following script: Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am calling with Intellipop Internet Services. It looks like your service was installed a few days ago and we would just like to follow up and make sure everything is working well for you. It will most likely turn into a conversation but in the call log notes, please note the following.
If the customer is upset or needs any further attention, turn the call log into a ticket and let them know you will have an admin review this and reach out when they are in the office.
If the customer is happy, send them a review by logging into this:
NOTE: If you get a voicemail box, create a ticket and send the customer an email advising them we are closing the ticket and to give us a call if they have any issues or questions about their new service.