Locating An Account Using An Address

When locating an account by an address ask the customer “What is your physical address with us?”

Tip You don't have to enter the full address into powercode to find an account if you enter the street number or house number it will pull all customers that match that search, you can then narrow down your search and locate your customer easier.

Enter the address into the box highlighted red below to search. you will need to change the search for option to address, shown in the yellow box.

Once you have the search narrowed down you can search for the customers name in the red box below to locate the actual account, or rest of the address in the yellow box. Always verify the address before doing anything with the account. Never give the customer the address always have them verify it for you

Can't find the account still, ask“Could it be under another address?

If still unable to locate the account try searching for the account Using A Name

If you can't find an account with a name and address ask “Is Intellipop your internet provider?” Sometimes people will call the wrong number.

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