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Cambium Medusa Slow Speed Procedures

Any time someone calls in with an issue you will want to collect and note as much information about the issue as possible. If someone calls in with a speed complaint ask if it it affecting multiple devices or just one, and ask what they are seeing, Note the issues in the ticket.

Note- If you are having issues pulling up the radio, verify that Powercode has labeled the port correctly as :9443 in the address bar. If that doesn't work also check if the customer is not on a 450 and that the 's' doesn't need to be removed from the 'https' in the address bar to access the radio.

Guaranteed Minimum Speeds By Package

Basic plan- Guaranteed 5Mbps up to 15

Classic- Guaranteed 10Mbps up to 30

Premium- Guaranteed 20Mbps up to 50

Upload speeds are not guaranteed but should average 4-6mbps

Troubleshooting Steps

- Verify issue, affected devices and note in ticket If the customer is using a phone to check speeds, be sure to advise the customers that they are the least reliable device for checking speeds. A laptop or PC is always preferred and package speeds are only guaranteed on a bypass, never on WiFi.

- Log into radio- You will need to remove the 's' from the https in the address bar to access radio Username: admin Password: QZMm7wWaMxhJ8sag

-Have customer unplug their router Run a wireless link test to check radio speeds and note the results in the ticket. If speeds are below package guarantees create a ticket and advise that the issue is being escalated to a Tier 2 technician and they will be called back during regular business hours, M-F 9-5.

After Checking Our End

-Have customer bypass (verify that customer clearly is connected via ethernet directly to the POE not the router) If the customer is not able/willing to bypass make a note in the ticket and an administrator will follow up during normal hours.

All PMP radios require MAC Authentication

If the customer is hesitant to bypass, explain that this will immediately show whether or not there is a problem with the speeds coming from the radio. Speed tests done on the home network only show the remaining bandwidth not being used by everyone else in the household, as well as the current performance capabilities from their router.

-Run speed test using It will run the download speed for them, if you need the upload speed as well, have the customer click “Show more info” after the initial test and it will run the upload and ping times.

-Watch the throughput chart and verify the speeds you see match the customer results during test

-Compare to customer package

-If speeds are at or above package guarantees create a ticket. Reassure the customer that they are reaching their package speeds and try to help them troubleshoot their home network, (hardwiring devices, using 5GHz VS.2.4GHz). They are most likely calling due a specific device having issues. Try to educate on how WiFi in the home works.

-If speeds are below package guarantees create a ticket and advise that the issue is being escalated to a level 2 technician and they will be called back during regular business hours, M-F 9-5

Required Ticket Information

-Name of person calling and callback #

-Details of issue

-Radio signal info

-Wireless link and bypass results

gtc/400_450_medusa.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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