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Fiber Slow Speed Procedure

It is possible, but very unlikely, to have a provider related speed issues on fiber. For speed related complaints you will run standard bypass procedures.

Have the customer locate their “Zhone” box and have them plug directly into GE Port 1. Runt test at Be sure that device used for bypass is gigabit capable.

We have 2 plans, please check which plan they are on. It will either be 250 Mbps UP/DOWN or 1 Gbps UP/DOWN

Fiber generally either works perfectly, or not at all. If the customer is getting suspiciously close to 100 Mbps on bypass, it is likely that device is only 100Mbps capable.

Common Fixes for Fiber Speed Complaints

Different Device- Some devices are not capable of reaching the speeds being provided. Any time a bypass is done the device being used should be gigabit capable. Smaller/Cheaper devices and adapters are not reliable for reaching those speeds. Speed tests are not guaranteed or recommended on gaming consoles (they typically connect to gaming servers and are not capable of reaching speeds) Chromebooks (not reliable speeds) or tablets/cell phones (extra unreliable) Speeds are only guaranteed with a bypassed connection on gigabit capable devices, such as a laptop or PC.

New cable- If the speeds are not reaching their 250Mbps or 1Gbps on bypass, and the device being used is known to be reliable, a new cable is the next step for resolution.

If you are unable to quickly and efficiently troubleshoot and resolve the issue create a ticket for administrative follow up.

Required Ticket Information

-Name of person calling and callback #

-Details of issue

-Bypass results

-Outcome of troubleshooting and call

gtc/slowspeed_fiber.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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