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Call Log Requirements

Call logs are for calls that do not require any follow up to be done. These include payments, extending grace periods, and calls for general questions.

Who Called

All logs should be started with who called. E.g “Cust called/Called cust”


An entry of why the call was placed must be included. E.g “to pay their bill”

What Was Discussed

All information regarding the account in the conversation should be documented. If it has anything to do with our service or their related equipment, it should be documented. E.g “cust mentioned may be looking into new router”


How was the call resolved. E.g “extended cust grace period until xx/xx”

Example Call Log-

Cust called in regards to receiving reminder email, does not get paid until next Friday. Extended grace period until xx/xx. Cust also mentioned will be moving in 1-2 mos, advised to call back when they know the last date they want service to schedule disconnect.

tech/call_logs.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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