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Inbound Billing

Customers can pay over the phone or online with a credit or debit card. Customers can set up bill pay through their bank or mail a check to us each month if they prefer.

Bill pay is where they set up regular payments with their bank, who will mail us a physical check. ACH payments are not allowed at this time

Mailing address for checks: 673 Innovation Circle unit B4 Payson, UT 84651

Why are they calling? What do they want to do? Choose from the following options.

Powercode - Add A Payment Method

Powercode - Make A Payment

Powercode - Payment Extension

Powercode - Delinquent Wireless Account

Powercode - Send A Portal Reset Link

Powercode - Delinquent Utopia Account –NEEDS WORK FOR GAIIA

General Billing Questions

When is my due date?- add 4 days to the bill cycle date to get the due date. This information can be found on the billing page of a customers account under the “Billing Period” section on the left side of the screen.

Is there a Grace period?- All accounts have a 10 day grace period from the due date to get their payment in before they are considered delinquent.

Can I get a payment extension?- Yes. If a customer calls in to extend their grace period you can extend it up to one week before their next bill cycle. If their are questions you can escalate to a billing admin to review.

How do I get my statement?- All billing is paperless we will email them their statement 4 days before the due date. We do not have the option to send a paper copy.

How do I pay my bill?- Customers can make payments over the phone or through their online portal using a debit or credit card, mail in a check, or setup bill pay through their bank.

How do I log into my online portal to pay the bill?- If the customer knows their login they can go to and login under the Customer Information section on the top bar. You can also send them a portal reset link, which is an option above.

What is my username and/or password?- Their username is usually their email address. We cannot verify their password but we can send them a password reset link.

tech/inbound_billing.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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