Lehi Fiber Install Scheduling
Lehi Fiber installs are done in 3 appointments you will help them scheudle the last appointment where they install the ONT and activate service.
-Site Survey with customer coordinated by Strata
-Fiber pull from curb to NID(Box on the side of the house)
-Fiber run from NID to ONT in the home.
To schedule an install you will need to use the Strata PortalLehi Strata Portal
Login Credentials Username: support@intellipop.co Password: Agent@intellipop1
Once logged in click on the subcriptions page and click on the “+ New Subcription” Shown below.
Select Lehi City Fiber as the network. Start entering the customers address and it should start popping up possible address. Fill out the requested info. The buttons on the map in the red box below will rotate the view of the house. The red pin is where the NID will be installed.shown below
Once you have filled out all the info you will hit save.
You will then need locate the customer in the list of customers pending scheduling and click on Pending schedule as shown in the image.
Click Schedule install
Select Standard install, date for install, and a timeslot for the customer. You will only be able to select available times and slots. Click Schedule install.