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Username: admin Password: QZMm7wWaMxhJ8sag

Once you are logged in navigate to the bridge table. Click on the button labeled “Monitor” and then click “Network”.

Locate the box labeled Bridge Table, the mac for device plugged into the POE will appear in the LAN box shown below.

Copy the MAC address listed under “LAN” and update it on the customers account in Powercode, check the manufacturer of the device with the customer and put the mac into a mac lookup tool.

Adding MAC To Powercode

After you have the MAC for the new device you will need to add it to powercode in place of the existing customer owned equipment MAC address. Click “more” for the customer owned equipment shown below.

Click “Edit Device” on the equipment overview page

Scroll down to the spot labeled MAC Address/DUID. Toggle the “Modify MAC Address” switch, the MAC source will be manual, and you will replace the existing MAC displayed. If this is for a bypass make note of the existing MAC so you can swap it back quickly when you are done. Once this is done scroll down and hit the green save button at the bottom of the screen. The cable may need to be reseated into the router/laptop but it should pull an IP as the MAC has now been authenticated.

Need to go back to the main EPMP troubleshooting page? Click here Cambium EPMP

Need to create a ticket after the call? Click here Ticketing Procedure

Need help escalating the issue? Click here Escalation Procdeure

tech/inbound_new_router_epmp.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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