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Ubiquiti Intermittent Connection

Quick Check: Common Causes of Intermittent Connection

  1. Poor signal on Intellipop equipment
  2. Poor WiFi Connection
  3. Maxing out connection

Username: admin Password: EIxRM9IXG2okqL

First we will need to determine if the intermittent issue is coming from their home network or from our equipment. Most cases it will be with their home network (wifi issues).

We will want to check the uptime graph of the radio to see if it has been going up and down. To do so you will need to click on “more” on the equipment for the radio.

Once you have made it to the Equipment overview page click on “Graphs” to view the uptime graph.

You can pick a timeline on the bottom left for 24 Hrs, 7 Days, and 30 Days be sure to take a look at all of them. If the graph is solid green and looks like the one shown below the issue will most likely be with their home network, either wifi or a specific device in most cases.

Verify the radio RSSI and SNR shown below. If the uptime graph and RSSI/SNR are good, you will need to troubleshoot their home network. Intermittent Home Network Tips

If the graph looks like the one shown below there is something going on causing intermittent issues with the radio. We will want to investigate further, continue below.

If the radio is down during call but has been intermittent click here. Down Ubiquiti

If the radio is up during the call but has been intermittent login to it and check the Signal Strenght it should be -65 or above.

If all listed stats above are good, you will want to have the customer unplug the cable from the POE that is plugged into the port labeled data+power/POE and have them reseat it and make sure it clicks in nice and tight.

If the signal strength is worse than the minimum listed above you will want to start the Escalation Procdeure

Need to go back to the main troubleshooting page? Click here Ubiquiti

Need help creating a ticket? Click here Ticketing Procedure

Tried all troubleshooting steps and need help? Click here Escalation Procdeure

tech/inbound_ubiquiti_intermittent.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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