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Verifying Utopia Availability

START HERE: Check the Utopia Residential Map for availability:

- Enter the customers address in the top left and click the magnifying glass to search an address

if it is serviceable the address will be highlighted green as shown below.

If Service is not available the address will be highlighted grey shown below.

  1. Note the Footprint that the address is located in. In the above example it is OR024A.

Some cities are still under construction so service might not be available yet but might be coming in the near future. Be sure to check the Buildout Timeline if it is not available at that specific address yet. You will need the footprint to verify the timeline and that info can be found below in the Verify Availability section.

Keep this tab open and continue to create a Lead in Gaiia

Do the following in Gaiia:

  1. Create a Lead in Gaiia and get all their normal information, Creating an Account in Gaiia
  2. Enter the Utopia Footprint in the “Fiber Footprint” field, under additional detials during the account setup.. All footprints should be listed, if you cannot find the footprint confirm you have the correct one or reach out into Slack.

Need to go over plans and pricing? click here Plans And Pricing

Need to process and order? click here Process A Lead

tech/inbound_utopia_verifying_address.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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