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Safety Policies

Intellipop prioritizes the safety, health and well-being of all its employees. This policy serves to outline our commitment to this philosophy and to provide guidance to all employees on the standards the company expects its employees to adhere to.

Fires and Other Emergencies

The facility where employees are assigned has an emergency procedures and evacuation plan to follow in the event of fire or other disaster. This plan should be prominently posted in common areas. Exits, fire extinguishers and first aid kits are located on each floor. All employees are expected to familiarize themselves with the location of such equipment.

On-the-Job Injuries and Illnesses

Any job-related injury or illness, regardless of severity, must be reported immediately to an employee’s supervisor for prompt and trained evaluation and medical attention as necessary. The employee’s supervisor will complete an initial safety incident report and forward it to the relevant party(s).

General Safety Rules

Intellipop employees perform a wide range of functions in various locations. Although some safety rules apply only to specific positions, all employees are expected to comply with the rules in this procedure:

  • Use common sense in performing duties.
  • Report any work injury or illness to a supervisor.
  • Report unsafe conditions to a supervisor or safety committee member.
  • Do not use any equipment, vehicles or materials when overly tired, nauseated, feverish or under the influence of any substance that may affect judgment.
  • Keep the work area neat and tidy.
  • Use mechanical devices or request assistance in lifting heavy loads.
  • Wear seat belts when operating any company or rented vehicle or driving a personal vehicle while on company business.
  • Do not use tops of cabinets or bookcases for extra storage or displays.
  • Be sure that aisles or exits are kept clear; do not let cords interfere with walkways.
  • Keep paper clips, tacks, pins and other objects off the floors.
  • Properly store all sharp objects when not in use.
  • Open and close doors cautiously, and use extra caution at blind hallway intersections.
  • Open only one file cabinet drawer at a time to avoid tipping over the cabinet. Cabinets should also be loaded from bottom to top and emptied in the reverse order.
  • Report or clean up all spills immediately.
  • Use stepstools, platforms or ladders for climbing. Never use chairs.

Emergency Evacuation Plans and Re-Entry

In any emergency, employees should follow alarms or other alerts to evacuate the building or area near the premises. Employees should always follow the basic evacuation procedures and remember that personal safety is paramount and takes precedence. Employees should do the following:

  • Check the work area for anything needing to be secured, and store it quickly.
  • Secure locks on all secured containers and cabinets.
  • Leave the work area, and report to the designated assembly area.
  • The director of facilities will coordinate with fire, police or other emergency preparedness personnel to determine when the building may be re-entered. This information will then be passed through safety committee members

Material Safety Data Sheets

Required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a material safety data sheet (MSDS) is a detailed description of each hazardous chemical located in the workplace and includes information regarding potential health risks, symptoms and treatment measures to be taken if exposure occurs.

The company will keep MSDSs on all hazardous substances and materials on its premises in areas adjacent to the equipment for which the MSDS pertains. Employees should help ensure that MSDSs are kept in their respective areas or report missing ones to their supervisor or safety committee representative.

Improper Health and Safety Practices

All employees are expected to abide by safe work practices and adhere to general safety rules to ensure their safety as well as the safety of co-workers.

Infractions of company health and safety practices will be dealt with in accordance with the company’s policies on discipline and will be based on the following factors:

  • Severity of the infraction
  • Whether the infraction endangered only the employee or also co-workers.
  • Whether the infraction was a first or repeat violation.

Workers Compensation

All states have Workers' Compensation laws whose purpose is to promote the general welfare of people by providing compensation for accidental injuries or death suffered in the course of employment. These laws are designed to provide protection to workers suffering occupational disabilities through accidents arising out of, and in the course of employment. Intellipop carries Workers' Compensation Insurance for all employees and pays the entire cost of the insurance program. An employee who suffers an injury or illness in connection with the job is usually eligible to receive payment through the insurance company for lost time. In addition to disability payments, necessary hospital, medical and surgical expenses may be covered under Workers' Compensation, with payments being made directly to the hospital or physician.

Specific benefits of Workers’ Compensation Insurance are prescribed by law depending on the circumstances of each case. To be assured of maximum coverage, all work-related accidents, no matter how small, must be reported immediately to your team lead/director and People Operations. The injured employee must complete a written Employee’s Claim Form (DWC 1) and return it to People Operations. People Operations will file the claim, and the matter will be processed and resolved according to law.

tech/safety_policies.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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