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Service Call Followup Procedures

Our goal is to follow up with every service call 3 business days after job completion. We do this to ensure that their problem has been resolved and to capture any unhappy customers before it turns into a much larger issue.

For now, part of the NOC's daily list is to complete installation and service call followups. This will be done by looking at the completed jobs from 3 days prior and calling every successful job.

With service call follow ups you will create a call log and gather the following information and can use the following script: Hello, my name is [NAME] and I am calling with Intellipop Internet Services. It looks like we completed a service call a few days ago and we would just like to follow up and make sure everything is working well for you. It will most likely turn into a conversation but in the call log notes please note the following.

  • Did we resolve your issue?
  • If yes, ask if there was anything further we can do.
  • If not, gather as much information as you can about the problem and turn the call log into a ticket. Escalate it and let them know you will get it to an admin to review further and they will reach back out to the customer when they are in the office.

If the customer is happy with the service call, send them a review by logging into this:

  • Click on Review Requests on the left
  • Click on Add Recipient
  • Select Email
  • Enter their name and e-mail address
  • Under tag put CUID: XXXX (where the XXXX is their customer ID)

NOTE: If you get a voicemail box, create a ticket and try again in 48 hours. If there is no answer the next call leave a voicemail, and send an email advising them to call if they are still having issues.

tech/service_call_followup.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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