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Intellipop Fiber

This page is for troubleshooting intermittent internet connections on Utopia Fiber.

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Troubleshooting Intermittent Connection

Troubleshooting an intermittent connection may prove to be difficult and most likely the issue is with the WiFi on the customers router.

There are no uptime graphs that we have access to, so we cannot measure uptime like we could with our radios.

First and foremost, if the issue is happening at the time of the call we can run a simple ping out to the internet from a device that is plugged into the ONT / Fiber Modem

  1. Bypass the router and plug a laptop/PC directly into the port labeled “GE1”
  2. have the customer open a command prompt and run the command “ping -t” without the quotes
  3. give the ping test about 1-2 minutes and have the customer push “CTRL+C” to end the ping

Have them read the results and record the information gathered in your ticket notes. There should be very little, if any, packet loss occurring with fiber connections.

If you do not see packet loss, run the same test through their WiFi router. If you continue to not see packet loss, let them know we aren't seeing any issues at this time and create a ticket with all the information you gathered. Have them call us back again if the issue pops up once more and not to reboot anything until they talk to us.

tech/tech/fiberintermittent.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/02 02:50 by

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